Just as the rest of the country was adjusting to the first Monday out of British summertime, the lovely people at Hachette Towers were basking in the warm glow of what they're calling 'an extra day of summer.' Thanks to Vicky Cowell (marketing whizz) and Leah Woodburn (editor extraordinaire) 250 Hungarian Ischler biscuits were baked over the weekend and laid out for the Hachette workforce as they arrived this morning - a piece of homebaking of industrial proportions. Ischlers are no ordinary biscuit. Made of two rounds of walnut shortbread, stuck fast with apricot jam and painted over with chocolate, they're a real Hungarian treat. My mum makes them for us at Christmas, and whenever else we can persuade her to dust off her walnut grinder. In the loving hands of Headline, Ischlers were served accompanied with proof copies of my novel, and specially-created recipe cards. All in all, it was a celebration of The Book of Summers, designed to whet the taste buds and the literary appetites of all throughout the Hachette building. I'm told they ran out of proofs before the working day officially began... as for the Ischlers, I suspect they might have disappeared even more quickly.