Or, at least, a trailer. Which in my world is almost as exciting as a feature length picture.
The trailer was launched at www.thebookofsummers.co.uk, just as a number of special limited edition proof copies were sent out by the Headline marketing team. These books are a thing of beauty - hard-backed, cloth-bound and adorned with delicately foiled gold flowers. I went into the Headline offices to sign them all a few weeks ago - my first official signing session. I tried to play it cool but, really, my delight was there for all to see.
As if the proofs themselves were not lovely enough they were then packaged in brown paper parcels tied up with string, and further decorated with poppies and Hungarian stamps.
A huge thank you to Vicky Cowell for making the build-up to publication feel so special. Where are we now - November? Four months and counting...